Sunday, March 19, 2017

Second Grade Talent!

Can you believe that this student painted this free-hand??  Sophie is one of our talented second grade students and always impresses me with her artistic skill.  I look forward to seeing more works from her.  Well done:)

Fourth Grade Talent!

This fourth grader continues to wow me with her artwork!  Maybe it is because I used to draw characters when I was her age all of the time:)  I love seeing students using their imagination and creating on their free time! Keep it up!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Battle of the Books!!!!

A HUGE congratulations to all of the teams that participated in the Battle of the Books.  You have all worked super hard and have much to be proud of.  

An especially huge congratulations to the Spy Readers for winning the most points at Aiken:)  Well done, ladies!